Thursday, November 12, 2009

Anchorage Opera's Dark Night Series - The Audition
by Anthony Sallows - Alaska Pacific University

Remember, remember the 10th of November, the Kaladi cup, Carharts, and arias.

By incorporating modern, local elements, and a splash of humor, Anchorage Opera's The Audition was an engaging thrust into the world of opera. November 10th marks the night of this performance, the first Dark Night series, as well as my virgin experience with the art form.

Toting a Kaladi cup and wearing worn Carharts was Andrew Sweeney, playing the part of The Worthless Accompaniast. An ironic role for him, as he was the show's music and stage director. His appearance resonated with my Alaskan roots and replaced my ignorant skepticism with a smile and anticipation. The smile remained as more Alaskan grown stereotypes and script were revealed.

Little Bo Peep, Jack and Jill, and Humpty Dumpty are titles usually found in the children's section, not a night at the opera. By blending childhood rhymes and smooth singing, I found myself impressed with the creative talents of the cast and crew. The familiarity of the young prose washed away whatever skepticism was left within me.

My most memorable character was Martina Nevertoloveyou, played by Martin Eldred - in drag. Coming to the stage squeaky and high pitched, the audience was shocked as Eldred showed his true talents as a bass-baritone when his character went into her "audience piece."

The storyline is a mock (hopefully) for an audition for the Anchorage Opera. Banking on outrageous characters that are exaggerated versions of what most directors would find in their nightmares, the show was entertaining and punny - a word derived when you combine funny with pun. While short in length, the script was able to fill the time with arias from across the gamut. Deepening my positive preview of what opera has to offer. I couldn't imagine a better introduction to the art, this performance has certainly made an opera fan out of me.

The Dark Night Series
Anchorage Opera
November 10, 2009
The Alaska Center for the Performing Arts, Discovery Theatre

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