Jason and the Argonauts
by Terra Laughton - West High School
Visible Fictions’ production of Jason and the Argonauts in the Discovery Theatre on Saturday, December 5 was an energetic and well-told story. Scottish actors Simon Donaldson and Tim Settle recounted the adverntures of Jason as he seeks revenge for his father’s murder. In order to replace his uncle on the throne, Jason is told to travel to the end of the earth and to return with the Golden Fleece. In the process, he meets everyone from Hercules to the Goddess Hera. Donaldson and Settle played almost twenty distinct characters during the production, easily entertaining the audience with various voices, movements, and mannerisms. Masters of their script, Donaldson and Settle kept up faced-paced dialogue and narration while brilliantly using their one set item, a large and versatile cart. Their creative use of action figures provided another layer of comedy, at times reflecting the characters’ movement and at times telling their own story. The perfomance was subtly and successfully complemented by simple lighting and music, but Donaldson and Settle would have succeeded without it. Visible Fictions fulfilled their goal of providing vibrant, high quality and accessiblte theatre for young and adult audiences alike. Alaska Junior Theater brought us a jem in Jason and the Argonauts.
Jason and the Argonauts
Alaska Junior Theater
Saturday, December 12, 2009 at 3:00pm
Discovery Theatre
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