Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Anchorage Symphony's Messiah
Anthony Sallows - Alaska Pacific University

The Anchorage Symphony Orchestra together with the Alaska Chamber Singers, the Anchorage Concert Chorus, and guest vocalists from the Resident Ensemble of San Francisco Opera performed George Fredrick Handel’s Messiah on December 12, 2009 under the musical direction of guest maestro George Hanson. With a docket of musicians and artists like that, the night was stacked to be memorable and epic - and it was.

Handel’s Messiah is regarded as one of the most influential works to come out of the Baroque style of music. It is rumored that Beethoven found Handel to be “the greatest composer that ever lived.” When experiencing Messiah, one can see why Beethoven would be inclined to say so. The music and lyrics are easily felt by the layman as well as those versed in the art of music. Numerous times I caught myself tapping my feet or fingers to a rhythm that is beyond my awareness, proving that music transcends conscious thoughts and standard forms of communication.

Interestingly, when watching Brian Thorsett, a guest artist from the Resident Ensemble of San Francisco, close his eyes and move his head to the sound, I realized that music is something that you can experience on a deeper level by removing a sense - sight. We’ve become so accustomed to a visual world, that we often forget the wonders our other senses can provide. Messiah is a keen reminder of the beauty that can lie in the audible world.

History tells us that King George II was so moved by the final piece, Hallelujah, that he stood up for the entire section. It has become tradition to do so as an audience member ever since, and those in the Atwood Theater this night were no exception. After the piece, the audience continued to applaud the symphony and chorus for a much deserved standing ovation, which brought about an encore performance of Hallelujah. During the encore George Hanson turned to face the audience and directed us to sing along. As if the lyrics weren’t powerful enough. Hearing a chorus of nearly 2000 sing it was truly spirit lifting. I’m a shockingly terrible singer, and even I was moved enough to attempt to sing along. Hopefully those around me remember the night for Messiah and not my lack of vocal talent.

Anchorage Symphony Orchestra
Saturday, December 12, 2009 at 8:00pm
Atwood Concert Hall

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